Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Another Android Mobile iOS Boot2Gecko

It’s time to watch out for iOS and Android Application Development as one more mobile OS is hitting the market with a bang. Mozilla, the owner of Firefox browser is planning to launch a new mobile OS previously known as the B2G (Boot2Gecko) in the early 2013. It will be an open source; HTML5 built, and license-free OS with most up-to-date Web standards. It is relied on the Web technology therefore it should permit cheaper handsets due to lower RAM and hardware requirements than required by the devices built with proprietary software.

This is one more mobile OS, which is an aggressive one, definitely -- might be the welcome addition in mobile carriers to keep the flesh-eating mobile subsidies from consuming the bottom lines. Two companies Deutsche Telecom and Sprint Nextel have decided to support Mozilla OS for mobile -- renamed as Firefox OS -- for devices, which run on Qualcomm Snapdragon processor. Other players like Telecom Italia and Telefonica are also interested in supporting the phones having Firefox OS.

Phone makers Alcatel and ZTE have got on-board for producing phones that run on Firefox OS. According to Mozilla, a Brazilian company Vivo will launch this OS whenever it’s ready. Vivo is the division of company Telefonica.

Markets like Brazil can be perfect surroundings for the Firefox OS for growing up. According to Mozilla, this OS will also run easily on the low-end devices made for the developing world. And if they done it successfully, then the most affected company from it will be Nokia as it is relied on low-end market for most of the revenues.

Mozilla is famous for the desktop software it provides and it’s planning to enter in the Smartphone OS market. Mozilla believes that mobile web is diverse than desktop web so they can’t depend on the ‘word of mouth’ for getting into the Smartphones market and retail stores just because they have huge amount of success on desktop.

The Boot2Gecko OS, with its user interface, as well as all apps it is running, are built completely using the current web standards like JavaScript and HTML5. On backend of this OS, the whole thing runs on the Gecko, which is a HTML engine that Mozilla uses in the Firefox browser — therefore it has somewhat consumer-unfriendly and clunky name, Boot2Gecko.

It is promised that this web-based OS, with all its apps will eventually match performance and functionality of Android OS as well as Android Application Development from Google, iOS from Apple, and Windows platform from Microsoft. In the future, it will create path to Outsource Android Development.

At current position, the user interface of B2G consists of some home screens, every of them can be opened by just tapping the rectangular icon. Its apps can be web-based, however launched blazingly fast as most of them were cached into the phones. Due to its caching scheme, the B2G phones will work even if you don’t have network signals.

To this point, the Mozilla is merely showing off its most fundamental apps. It comes with the phone dialer to make calls, camera app, web browser, gallery app to check out photos that you’ve shot, the video player, and the calculator app. The B2G also supports some games, including Android, Android Application Development, and iOS.

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MD @ Mobi People INC. Working For Clients for Various types of mobile application / software development. Working from last 10 years in web based software & Moile based application development industry.


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